Canoeing to Sunset | Pastel | 6x6
We drove up and up into the hills over miles of bumpy dirt road. The terrain went quickly from the maritime flatness of the banks of the St Lawrence River to boreal forest. After setting up at our campsite, we walked down to the lake. The light was at its evening's best, luminous and shiny as tho touched with silver. A young couple came out of their cabin, walked to the shoreline and got into a canoe. They paddled across the lake heading straight for the setting sun. We could feel the romance of the moment and set down on the beach to enjoy the sunset from our vantage.
Painting Notes: The smoothness of Fisher 400 paper is why it was my choice for this silky water painting. I gravitated toward using highlights from a recent purchase of Sennelier Iridescent pastels.
Very nice Marti!! Love it.