Thursday, May 5, 2016


                   When the Lights Go On  | Pastel | 6x6

Evenings often find me 'walking the loop' - a 1 to 2 mile loop from the house. I cross a canal along the way that affords a view over into an industrial area. One of the block buildings has a roof full of bright lights that come on early and stay on til dawn. The canal is always full of coots and mallards.  I'm always reminded that we live on the fringe - in one direction is the city while most of the other directions are agricultural fields.  The residential areas are fast encroaching on the fields but there still is a lovely feeling of being 'out in the country'.

Painting Notes -  Life has gotten in the way of painting lately and now I'm faced with some hefty deadlines. I need a cache of small paintings to take with me to Virginia for my 50th High School Reunion where 6-7 of us that have 'products' to sell will have a display room for the 'gang' to check out. I've already sold over 6 paintings to my newly refound friends so I'm anxious to have some to offer. Couple that with 2 shows to paint for before leaving in two weeks! Trying to capture the feel of evening after sunset without making all but the sky almost black was the challenge that drew me to this scene. The title comes from the song that I kept singing all the while painting this.

1 comment:

  1. This is so beautiful, Marti! The feeling of that hour of the day is captured wonderfully!
