Noyo Revisited | Pastel | 12x9
Four years ago, I attended the first MOPO - Mendocino Open Paint Out. Several of us went to Noyo Harbor in Fort Bragg to paint. My painting that day has always bothered me. At first, I didn’t know what was wrong; then, I didn’t know how to fix it; tonight I took it out and redid in my 2018 style. As I grow as an artist, I’m able to see what is wrong, then figure out how I’d change it. This will be a fun painting to revisit every four or so years and see what I come to change.
Here’s a shot of the original titled Harbor Lights | Pastel 2014
Painting Notes: It’s not hard to ‘revisit a painting’ if it’s a pastel. I sprayed my Pastelboard painting with ISO 90 - Isoprophyl Alcohol 90%. Then I went off to eat my artichoke dinner. When I returned, of course it was bone dry and I was able to do anything I wanted with it. The only downside to fixing and changing is the substrate and what it is attached to. Recently I sprayed Spectrafix heavily on a sheet of pastel paper attached to a self-adhesive foam core board. It rippled when dry and I had to chuck it. Pastelboard, on the other hand, is rigid and will take any fixative and a lot of abuse!